What time is afternoon start
What time is afternoon start

In many countries, there is a big difference between when the sun sets in winter and in summer. The evening could mean a different time depending on whether it is summer in winter. “Good night” is an expression we only use when it is time to go home to go to bed. In English, the night usually means a period of complete darkness and a time to go to bed. In some languages, there is no word for “good evening” and the afternoon flows into the night. The time that evening begins can be different in different countries because of cultural and language differences.

what time is afternoon start what time is afternoon start

The beginning of the evening means that the sun is setting and it is a time to eat dinner or go out but not a time to sleep. The evening is usually from 5 pm until 9 pm but it can change depending on location, culture and the time of year.

What time is afternoon start